『壹』 債券型基金外文文獻(急)
To treasury bonds, financial bonds and other fixed-income instruments such as the main investment fund known as bond funds, investment procts because of their relatively stable earnings, also known as the "fixed benefit fund." According to the proportion of different stock investments, bond funds can be divided into pure bond funds and partial Bonds Fund. The difference between the two, not pure debt funds in the stock market, and partial debt funds can invest in a small number of stocks. Partial debt funds in accordance with the advantage of the stock market movements can be flexibility to asset allocation, risk control conditions to share the opportunities offered by the stock market.
In general, bond funds do not charge subscription or purchase, the cost of the redemption rates are lower.
Bond Fund has the following characteristics:
(A) low-risk, low income. As bond funds, the investment target - bond yields stable, the risks are also smaller, therefore, less risky bond funds, but because the bonds are fixed-income procts, relative to equity funds, bond funds low-risk but not the rate of return high.
(2) lower cost. As bond investment management managing complex than equity investments, bond fund management fees are relatively low, our country's bond funds
(C) income stability. Invest in regular bonds have interest returns, e also committed to debt service, and therefore the bond proceeds fund more stable.
(D) focus on current income. ABF mainly seeking more current fixed income, compared to equity funds in terms of the lack of value-added potential, in not too much more suitable for adventure, the current stability of income for investors.
『貳』 關於私募股權基金的外文翻譯
『叄』 購買基金和贖回基金英文怎麼表達
基金認購-Subscribing Funds
基金申購-Purchasing Funds
基金贖回-Redeming Funds
『肆』 英語論文中如何引入基金支持,例如:博士基金
可在文末註明基金項目:基金號和名稱,不太規范也不要緊 ,編輯部會修改的。或者在Acknolegement(致謝)中提及受到某某基金支持
『伍』 基金用英文怎麼說
股票 stock
基金 fund
基金理財:fund financing
定投是啥? time investment
『陸』 求幾支基金的標准英文翻譯。
『柒』 畢業論文急需 在sciencedirect 上下載一篇關於 投資基金 的外文文獻,可是我是英語白痴
『捌』 基金的英文是什麼
共同基金:mutual fund,它有分為開放式基金(open-end fund)還有封閉式基金(close fund)。
對沖基金:hedge fund
養老基金:pension fund
還有國家把基金翻譯成unit trust。