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發布時間: 2021-08-24 16:19:13

⑴ 埃克森美孚最大股東

埃克森美孚Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM)機構持股持有者持有份額份額變化變化率變化金額持股比例占投資組合比例日期Barclays Global Investors, N.A.183111968-11092777-5.7%-28947886083.75%2.8%State Street Global Advisors (US)188762048106496916.0%-10377813763.87%3.2%Vanguard Group, Inc.162247552-3242918-2.0%-19845303043.32%3.0%Fidelity Management & Research66251916-16508722-19.9%-21485711361.36%1.2%Columbia Management Advisors, Inc.69900368-1694901-2.4%-8812284801.43%4.2%AllianceBernstein L.P.50366544-21492212-29.9%-24214464001.03%2.0%BNY Mellon Wealth Management5880204048814719.1%-1854533121.21%3.7%Northern Trust Investments, N.A.42874472-796032-1.8%-5190500160.88%3.4%T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.4684856817603893.9%-3353614400.96%1.8%JPMorgan Private Bank (United States)38268572-1325652-3.3%-5175016640.78%12.9%TIAA-CREF36861824-724400-1.9%-4497847040.76%2.5%Wellington Management Company, LLP38596492-845710-2.1%-4786376960.79%1.3%State Farm Insurance Companies37062400-----3880433280.76%6.3%BlackRock Investment Management, LLC32715676-1663981-4.8%-4891797760.67%4.0%Enhanced Investment Technologies Inc.3496294412711453.8%-2540360320.72%5.0%No data available.--------------INTECH Investment Management LLC3496294412711453.8%-2540360320.72%5.0%

⑵ 美石油股有哪些

代碼 簡稱
PNG PAA Natura
COP 康菲石油
XOM 埃克森美孚
CVX 雪佛龍
ECA 加拿大能源
TOT 道達爾
BP 英國石油
REP 西班牙雷普索爾YPF
E 埃尼石油
PZE 巴西石油

⑶ 埃克森美孚屬於什麼行業



⑷ 石油行業前10名(中文名+股票代碼)


⑸ 美國股市中有什麼石油巨頭嗎

埃克森美孚石油公司代碼XOM,Chevron Corporation代碼CVX ,ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips(康菲石油公司)代碼 COP 等。

⑹ 有了解埃克森美孚天津石油公司的嗎

埃克森美孚天津分公司地址在天津塘沽,南港路2486號,公司有覆蓋全市范圍的免費班車,員工福利很不錯,尤其是工作環境和員工培訓,應該是同行業內標准最高的,在整個石化行業不景氣的狀態下美孚的穩定還是很吸引人的,全部都是簽訂無固定期限勞動合同的。雖然我沒有實地考察過 ,但這些信息都是來自美孚公司內部,參考價值還是很高的,希望可以幫到你

⑺ 請教各位前輩什麼股票和原油價格最掛鉤,油漲他漲







1、天然氣管網建設提速 油氣管道業務高速增長


2、油價持續上行 公司充分受益於行業復甦


⑻ 埃克森美孚是做什麼的聽說是世界五百強企業龍頭老大!

埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil, NYSE:XOM)是全世界第一大型石油企業,其總部設於德克薩斯州。該公司前身分別為埃克森和美孚,於1999年11月30日合並重組。該公司也是艾克森、美孚及埃索全球分公司的母公司。此外,艾克森美孚與殼牌、BP(英國石油)及Total同為全球四大原油公司。該企業在2007年度《財富》全球最大五百家公司排名中名列第二。

⑼ 國外有哪些石油上市公司

1.皇家殼牌石油: 荷蘭
2.埃克森美孚: 美國
3.英國石油: 英國 煉油
4.雪佛龍: 美國 煉油
5.道達爾: 法國 煉油
6.康菲: 美國 煉油
7.中國石化: 中國 煉油
8.中國石油天然氣: 中國 煉油
9.埃尼: 義大利 煉油
10.委內瑞拉石油: 委內瑞拉 煉油
11.瓦萊羅能源: 美國 煉油
12.巴西石油: 巴西 煉油
13.國家石油: 挪威 煉油
14.盧克石油: 俄羅斯 煉油
15.鮮京: 韓國 煉油
16.雷普索爾YPF: 西班牙 煉油
17.馬石油: 馬來西亞 煉油
18.馬拉松石油: 美國 煉油
19.新日本石油: 日本 煉油
20.印度石油: 印度 煉油
21.泰國國家石油: 泰國 煉油
22.太陽石油: 美國 煉油
23.俄羅斯石油公司: 俄羅斯 煉油
24.赫斯: 美國 煉油
25.新日礦: 日本 煉油
26.奧地利石油天然氣集團: 奧地利 煉油
27.GS控股: 韓國 煉油
28.秋明-英國石油: 俄羅斯 煉油
29.出光興產: 日本 煉油
30.西班牙石油公司: 西班牙 煉油
31.奧倫石油: 波蘭 煉油
32.信誠工業集團(瑞來斯實業): 印度 煉油
33.昭和殼牌石油: 日本 煉油
34.布哈拉特石油: 印度 煉油
35.克斯莫石油: 日本 煉油
36.中油公司: 中國台灣 煉油
37.印度斯坦石油: 印度 煉油
38.Petroplus Holdings: 瑞士 煉油
39.中國海洋石油總公司: 中國 原油生產
40.台塑石化: 中國台灣 煉油
41.森科爾能源: 加拿大 煉油
42.墨菲石油: 美國 煉油

⑽ 埃克森美孚的股權結構

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Qatar Petroleum, ExxonMobil and Edison Announce Commencement of Major Activities for Isola Di Porto Levante LNG Terminal; Final Agreements Are Signed
Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil Acquire 90 Percent of Edison LNG; Edison Will Have Access to about 80 Percent of the Terminal Capacity

IRVING, Texas, May 02, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Major milestone agreements were announced today by Qatar Petroleum, ExxonMobil and Edison for the Isola di Porto Levante liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal to be located offshore the coast of Italy in the North Adriatic Sea. The terminal, scheled for startup by year-end 2007, will have a regasification capacity of 8 billion cubic meters a year. The state-of-the-art facility will be a key component in providing dependable supplies of natural gas to the Italian energy sector to meet the country's growing demand.

The Isola di Porto Levante terminal owners have secured all the primary authorizations for construction and operation from the Italian government and European Union Commission. A contract to Aker Kvaerner for development of the gravity-based structure (GBS), LNG storage tanks and LNG off-loading and regasification facilities was awarded. In addition, Snamprogetti, an ENI affiliate, will be the contractor for the pipeline associated with the project.

The terminal will be located approximately 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) from the Veneto coast and positioned in about 30 meters (98 feet) of water. The concrete GBS will be constructed onshore, towed to the site and positioned to create an artificial island. The LNG storage tanks, which will be designed using ExxonMobil's proprietary molar tank technology, will be positioned inside the GBS and have a total storage capacity of 250,000 cubic meters. The terminal will be equipped with a berthing/mooring system for proct unloading, designed to accommodate ships delivering up to 152,000 cubic meters of LNG. Delivery frequency is anticipated to be an average of two ships a week.

In addition to Qatar Petroleum, ExxonMobil and Edison progressing plans to construct and operate the Isola di Porto Levante terminal, Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil are making a number of upstream investments associated with the project. These include a wellhead platform with an expected seven wells, pipelines, a 4.7 MTA LNG train at Ras Laffan City and five conventional LNG tankers to supply the new LNG terminal.

His Excellency Abllah bin Hamad Al-Attiyah, Second Deputy Premier and Qatar Minister of Energy and Instry, said: "The progression of the Isola di Porto Levante LNG terminal is a major achievement that is designed to provide Italy a significant additional source of natural gas which will strengthen the country's regional and national economic competitiveness and diversify its sources of energy supply. A project of this size and complexity is only possible through the excellent working relationship that exists between Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil, and our partner in this venture, Edison. I thank those in the Italian government and the European Union Commission who have worked diligently in support of the Isola di Porto Levante LNG project, which will create employment opportunities for Italy and the region, and provide a secure energy supply for continued economic growth."

Stuart McGill, Senior Vice President of Exxon Mobil Corporation, said: "The terminal will be built and operated using the most advanced technology employing the highest international design, construction and safety standards. We appreciate the commitment on the part of the Italian Government and all other stakeholders in advancing this state-of-the-art project."

"The Isola di Porto Levante will be the first Italian LNG infrastructure of this size and it represents an important milestone in the long/medium term Edison strategy," said Umberto Quadrino, Edison's Chairman and CEO. "Edison will retain 10 percent ownership of this facility but will be its principal user, having access to about 80 percent of its total regasification capacity. Starting by year-end 2007, we will be able to rely for 25 years on the delivery of about 6.4 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year, an amount that will go a long way in meeting Edison's supply needs and helping it achieve its growth objectives. In addition to strengthening Edison's competitiveness, it will make a significant contribution to diversifying the sources for Italy's energy supply while increasing its flexibility and safety, and preserving the environment."

Today's announcements evolve from a November 2003 Heads of Agreement between Qatar Petroleum, ExxonMobil and Edison, whereby affiliates of both Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil would acquire 90 percent interest (Qatar Petroleum affiliate 45 percent; ExxonMobil affiliate 45 percent) in the Edison company (Edison LNG Srl) that will develop the terminal project, and a Sales and Purchase Agreement between the Ras Laffan Liquefied Natural Gas Company (II), RasGas (II) (a joint venture between Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil), and Edison for the delivery of LNG supplies. As a result of these agreements signed today, Edison LNG Srl will change its name to Terminale GNL Adriatico Srl. Eighty percent of the terminal capacity will be allocated for 25 years to processing LNG imported under the RasGas(II)-Edison SPA, with the remaining 20 percent capacity available to users through regular transparent proceres.

The gas for the project will be sourced from Qatar's giant North Field, which has recoverable resources of more than 900 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

As a result of the agreement signed today, Edison received 9.95 million euros for the sale of 90 percent of Edison LNG and waived a receivable owed by Edison LNG amounting to 10.79 million euros. Edison SpA has confirmed this sale will not have a material operating or financial impact on Edison's financial statements.

On Dec. 31, 2004, Edison LNG net equity capital amounted to 7.9 million euros.

With regard to Edison LNG, the parties also agreed that:

-- All parties will be barred from selling their interests in Edison LNG for 36 months from the date the terminal begins operations, but not beyond July 1, 2011 (Lockup Clause);

-- Edison will have the right to buy back the 90 percent interest in Edison LNG or sell its 10 percent interest if events preventing the construction of the terminal were to occur e to causes attributable to the majority partners (Put and Call Clause);

-- The two majority partners will have the right to buy Edison's 10 percent interest if the gas supply contract with RasGas II were to be terminated for reasons attributable to Edison (Call Clause);

-- In the event either a put or call clause is exercised, the price of the equity interest affected will be determined based on the company net equity capital at the time of exercise.

-- The parties are committed -- pro quota -- to financially sustain the investment.

In this transaction Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil have been advised by Allen&Overy, and Edison by Freshfield Bruckhaus Deringer.

CAUTIONARY STATEMENT: Estimates, expectations, and business plans in this release are forward-looking statements. Actual future results, including project plans, costs, timing, and capacities and actual gas recoveries could differ materially e to factors including changes in long-term oil and gas price levels or other market conditions affecting the oil and gas instry; political or regulatory developments; the outcome of commercial negotiations; changes in technology; the actions of competitors; reservoir performance; timely completion of development; technical or operating factors; and other factors discussed here and under the heading "Factors Affecting Future Results" included in Item 1 of ExxonMobil's most recent Form 10-K and posted on our website (www.exxonmobil.com). References to recoverable resources and other gas quantities include amounts that are not yet classified as proved reserves but that we believe will ultimately be proced.

SOURCE: Exxon Mobil Corporation

Andrea Prandi, +39-02-6222-7331
Qatar Petroleum
Abllah Al Kuwari, +974-494-6600
ExxonMobil Italy
Piero Biscari, +39-06-65966-2585
Dahlia Abdel Fattah, +974-4857-460
ExxonMobil Qatar
Saleh Almana, +974-434-9307
Bob Davis, 713-656-7544


1. http://ir.exxonmobil.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=115024&p=irol-newsArticle_print&ID=704027&highlight=

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